About the Site

This is the companion web site for our work. This is where we can give feedback, updates and over time provide some additional information about the I Ching. This site assumes that you are familiar with the I Ching and casting your own hexagrams. If not please take one of the following actions.

  1. Buy a copy of my book.
  2. Buy and/or use any version of the I Ching that you feel comfortable with.
  3. Google it!

Please share your questions –Don’t be afraid to share your questions. You can phrase them in a anonymous manner – i.e. leave out personal details. Also, anyone reading your question will not be able to tell if you are asking for yourself or for a friend!

Your shared questions are important to the website as over time, they will become a bit of a database of sample questions. These will be helpful for those of us who find it hard to put together a question that is relevant to their situation. Also, by letting other people comment on these questions, it is hoped that the comments will help you to gain a new perspective on your situation.

Some details about the book/ eBook.

One of the unique things about the printed book is that the hexagrams have been re-sequenced to make looking up hexagrams a simple matter of page flicking and pattern recognition. You work up from the bottom line, looking to see if the line is broken or solid.  Broken lines come before the solid lines so you will find them nearer the front of the book. If the line is solid, you will find it towards the back of the book.

For example if you are looking for this hexagram:

6. ---   ---
5. ---------
4. ---   ---
3. ---   ---
2. ---   ---
1. ---------

You can see that line 1 is solid therefore you can skip towards the back of the book until you start seeing hexagrams with a solid bottom line. For example stopping at this hexagram:

6. ---   ---
5. ---   ---
4. ---------
3. ---   ---
2. ---   ---
1. ---------

Where lines 1, 2 & 3 correct but line 4 is solid in this case you need to work your way to the front of the book. At first you find:

6. ---------
5. ---------
4. ---   ---
3. ---   ---
2. ---   ---
1. ---------

With lines 1 to 5 correct then by turning another page you get to the hexagram you started looking for:

6. ---   ---
5. ---------
4. ---   ---
3. ---   ---
2. ---   ---
1. ---------

Unfortunately, this page flicking logic does not work for eBooks. I am sad about this as a key feature of the printed book is the simple way that you can look-up hexagrams.

After some tests I devised a ‘Hexagram Index’ that lists all the hexagrams in the same order as the book/eBook.

When you are ready to look-up a hexagram; go to the ‘Table of Contents’ then take the link to the ‘Hexagram Index’ where you will notice that hexagrams follow the same pattern as found in the book/eBook.

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