Can you please help me understand what’s happening to me

Background Info:

my life has been going through a lot of changes recently and I am trying to make sense of what is actually happening to me.

   Line   Count   First Hexagram   Second Hexagram
    6       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
    5       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
    4       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
    3       9       ----O----         ---   ---
    2       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
    1       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
 Hexagram number    010 (15)          000 (2)

Interpretation of answer:

The first hexagram 010 (15) Seems to indicate that I need to be modest and realistic about my abilities and options in this situation. I must remain calm despite the storms raging around me. If Im quiet and determined in my chosen course of action there will be great good fortune.

My changing line – Be humble, have a good work ethic then people will want to be around me.
2nd hexagram: 000 (2) The solution to the problem may be unusual and creative.
Take no action just now but seek the help and guidance of a leader or role model, work with like minded people. Then make plans for future activitiy when the time is right.

About claire

Co Author of the book that goes with this web site
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