How are things looking for my parents?

Background Info:

My parents are very elderly. I live 4,000 miles away. Caring about them as I do, I am wondering how their future looks.

           Line   Count   First Hexagram   Second Hexagram
            6       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
            5       7       ---------         ---------
            4       9*      ----O----         ---   ---
            3       7       ---------         ---------
            2       9       ----O----         ---   ---
            1       8       ---   ---         ---   ---
         Hexagram number    036 (28)          012 (39)

Interpretation of answer:

Excess (28) 036 The siutation cannot hold together much longer so make plans. Work smarter, not harder. Good fortune.

There is a lot of work ahead. Don’t be afraid to work alone. Right decision has been made for circumstances.
*Line 4 – things made safe til permanent solution can be found. Inner strength, ambition and drive lead to a postive outcome for all. Be sincere.

(39) 012
Obstacles ahead. Don’t deal with them by yourself. Get expert help then
plan for the future. Your decision benefits all. You will be a stronger person after fighting through the obstacles. Good fortune.

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